Sunday Services


All are very welcome to join our Sunday service each week starting at 10:30am. 

Worship is informal and contemporary with a central place for the reading and preaching of the Bible. You won’t be handed lots of books as you walk in the door and there is no particular dress code. Just come as you are! 

Children are especially welcome at St. James. 1st and 3rd Sundays are All-Age services with content suitable for the whole family. A children's corner is available during all services for preschool children, and on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays, after the opening time of worship, school-aged children and young people join fun-based teaching groups where they can learn about Jesus in an age-appropriate way.



Wafers and the cup are on offer during communion for those who would like to take them. Gluten free wafers are available for those with intolerances, and alcohol-free wine for those who prefer this. Please ask when you come to the front. Please feel free to come forward for a blessing if you prefer not to take communion at this time. Just keep your hands by your side when you come to the front and we will know this is what you would like.

Children will return from groups in time to join their families for communion. They will receive a blessing and a sticker when they come to the front.



Refreshments are available after the service. Please do stay to chat and get to know one another.


Sunday Service Pattern: 

1st Sundays: All-Age Worship or Messy Sundays 

3rd Sundays: All-Age Worship with Prayer and Anointing

2nd and 4th Sundays: Communion Services

5th Sundays: Alternative Services. These services may be dedicated to prayer for healing or have another special focus. 



Our services are currently livestreamed to YouTube on Sunday mornings and remain on our channel for watching at a later date. Please be aware that any time you move to the front of the church you will be on camera. Thank you






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